Ohanapecosh, nestled within the grandeur of Mount Rainier National Park, embodies an ethereal harmony of nature’s wonders. As you wander through this pristine haven, listen to the rushing waters from the Ohanapecosh River and see towering conifers draped in moss and lichen. The gentle trails unveil breathtaking vistas of the colossal Mount Rainier, its snow-capped peak majestically dominating the skyline.
Ohanapecosh is a good destination when Paradise and Longmire are wet and foggy. Ohanapecosh is not accessible in the winter. It is located 3 miles north of the park boundary on State Route 123. The Ohanapecosh Visitor Center is open from June to early October and offers exhibits, interpretive programs, and book sales. The Ohanapecosh Campground and picnic area are located along the Ohanapecosh River. It is also open from late May to early October.